Doors will open at 8:40 AM each day and close at 8:45 AM The children will have Assembly at 8:50, and it is vital they do not miss this important part of the day. The gates will close at 8:50 AM.
Anyone arriving after the doors have closed will need to sign their child into school via the electronic visitor system near the school office. A member of staff will help you with this.
Absences will be marked as unauthorised if your child is absent from school without good reason, such a illness or an exceptional circumstance. Children arriving after the register closes (without good reason) will also be marked as an unauthorised absence.
Any unauthorised term time holidays exceeding 5 days of consecutive absence will be subject to Penalty Notices.
Penalty Notices are issued by the Local Authority in accordance with Surrey County Council’s Code of Conduct. The Penalty Notice is £60, per child per parent/carer, if paid within 21 days or £120 per child per parent/carer if paid after 21 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in the Local Authority considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court.