Ethos, Vision and Values
‘Learning in God’s Love’
Our vision is that everyone at St Paul’s CofE Infant School knows that they are loved and valued by God. We help everyone to grow in courage and compassion. Children are encouraged to reach their full potential and flourish as they learn together as a community.
Stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
(1 Corinthians 16:13)
At St Paul’s we expect there to be a happy, caring and purposeful atmosphere where people are kind, polite and tolerant. The staff work hard to provide enjoyable, challenging and clearly structured learning tasks and consequently the children are expected to listen carefully, respond positively and work to the best of their ability. We are committed to supporting children and their families. We pride ourselves on our inclusivity and knowledge of every child as an individual. We place a strong emphasis upon helping others, sharing skills and caring for our environment, both inside and around school as well as in the outside world.
What makes us special as a church school?
As a church school, we are committed to developing a love of God and His world, as well as a care for others and ourselves. We are keen to preserve and further develop the links between the school, the parish church and the local community.
We visit St Paul's church regularly for celebrations including Harvest, Easter and Christmas. We also visit as part of our RE curriculum.
Claire Holt, the Vicar at St Paul's, is in school every week to lead an assembly. She also assists the school with making our RE curriculum immersive and engaging.