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Parenting Puzzle Workshops

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For more information, please contact the office or speak to our Deputy Head, Jenny McGregor.

Programme Summary

The course consists of 10 two-hour workshops for groups of parents of children who attend St Pau's C of E Infant School & Nursery.

Programme Content

  • Understanding your children’s behaviour

  • Listening and how babies and children communicate

  • Praise and encouragement

  • Praise and guidance

  • Power of play and positive moments

  • Boundaries and parenting styles

  • Understanding and managing behaviour

  • Looking after ourselves

  • Dealing with stress and conflict

  • Developing the Family Toolkit

Outcomes For Parents & Children

The aims of the programme are to:

  • introduce the Four Constructs (Building Blocks) for positive, constructive relationships and calm, confident parenting

  • develop parents’ understanding of empathy

  • develop parents’ understanding of the importance of listening and communication

  • explore the power of praise and positive interaction

  • increase parents’ understanding of the power of play

  • promote positive approaches to discipline and boundary setting

  • develop an understanding of the importance of nurture of self and others in family relationships

Parents feel more confident and have greater understanding of their children’s feelings and needs and how their children communicate these.

They have an increased repertoire of parenting strategies to support their child’s development and school readiness. 

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