September Newsletter | |
Dear Parents/Carers, | |
Newsletter | |
Dear Parents/Carers, | |
Newsletter - September 2023 | |
Welcome back! I hope you have all had a lovely summer. It is great to see everyone so refreshed and ready to learn. We welcome our new Year R children to school, it has been great to see ho… | |
Newsletter - October | |
We have reached the end of our first half term. It has been lovely to see how settled the children are and how much pride they take in their achievements. The children were a real credit to… | |
Newsletter - December | |
The children have been absolutely brilliant in their Christmas performances this week. Well done to everyone. Thank you to everyone at home for helping with costumes, learning the songs and… | |
Newsletter | |
It has been a busy month since returning after the Christmas holidays. The children have all been working hard and have enjoyed the new Jigsaw PSHE curriculum recently introduced. | |
Newsletter - March | |
It was brilliant to see all of the children enjoying our Elmer-themed World Book Day. The children enjoyed a range of activities as well as going to Waterstones in Farnham to choose their b… | |
Newsletter - May | |
I am pleased to say that we have had confirmation from Surrey that our current year 1 children will definitely become our first year 3 class as part of our expansion to primary, I met with … | |
Newsletter - June | |
Newsletter - June 2023 | |
It has been a busy but brilliant few weeks at St Paul’s. | |
Newsletter - July 2023 | |
We have had a fantastic year filled with learning, laughter and new experiences. This year teachers have shown great courage adapting to the new curriculum we introduced in September and I … | |
St Paul's C of E Infant School & Nursery | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library
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